Natural Water Care for Spas and Pools

Spa Marvel is an eco-friendly, enzyme based spa water treatment that can reduce and eliminate the need for many chemicals. 

Helps to maintain pH and alkalinity, so you’re not constantly testing and adding adjusting products.

Prevents scale buildup from occurring, so that you don’t need to use stain and scale control products.

Descales deep-seated buildup that can accumulate over time from regular use, especially in hard-water areas, resulting in stronger jets, quieter pumps, more efficient heaters and overall greater longevity of your equipment.

Prevents hard-water and scum rings from occurring around the edge of the tub.

Eliminates foam in a few hours without the use of defoaming agents.

Is odourless so you won’t want to or need to shower when you get out of the tub.

Has natural skin moisturizing conditioners that soften skin. People with eczema and psoriasis love using Spa Marvel as it actually improves their condition, it gets them off of the medicated creams that they are paying for, rather than irritate and dry them out the way that chemicals can.

Spa Marvel is compatible with all hot tubs and traditional spa treatment systems including ozonators, ionizors, ultraviolet, chlorine, bromine, lithium and salt systems.

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